
January 25, 2014

Bravest Girl

Abby has asked to jump on the special trampoline at the mall for a long time. We've watched other kids and always told her she could try it when she was 5. You only have to be 30 pounds, but we didn't her to jostle about or go too high.

She remembered when we were at the mall recently and we talked about doing it one night when both Marcus and I could be with her. So, today we met friends at the mall to ride the carousel and have lunch and the guy saw her looking and offered us a free ride since it was slow.

We called Marcus and her agreed provided I took a video of the whole thing. Abby was SO excited. She kept telling me she wanted to say hi to the people on the top floor of the mall. She took off her boots and they strapped her in!

And she laughed up and down the trampoline! The worker was having fun trying to fly her higher. She would laugh harder. And, people stopped and watched her JOY!

She even got high enough to talk to the people on the second floor!

I uploaded the full video here. I love her bravery and her sweet little laugh for a solid two minutes!

January 24, 2014

Dad's Top Golf Birthday

 For Christmas this year, we gave my Dad and Jacque a gift certificate to Top Golf. They had never heard of it so we agreed to play over lunch one day. We ended up playing this past week to celebrate Dad's birthday and had the most fun! It was in the mid-60s while we played and was nice and sunny!

Dad and Jacque are regular golfers so it comes as no surprise they beat us. The surprise- I beat Marcus on both games. I have zero golfing ability, but could consistently get 3-8 points in the same little area of the yellow "crater" that wasn't far away. It works for me. Marcus played around with different clubs, tried for big points by going deep and going all or nothing with his points. It was great fun to play well and beat him! We played a chipping game on our 3rd game and he beat me on that one.

I hope we get to play again- it is fun for real golfers and people like me who don't have a clue. It is heated, shaded, and they have great food and drinks while you play.

Case in point, we ended lunch with doughnut holes that you could inject with chocolate and/or raspberry sauce. What golf course brings that to you?

Happy Birthday Dad! You are the tops in my book!

January 23, 2014

5 Year Well Check

This girl is beautiful, smart and healthy! 

We had her five year well check (yea for no shots!) this week and Abby passed with flying colors!

She was on track developmentally hitting all the milestones for her age.
She passed both her vision and hearing tests.
She is 90th percentile for her height (45") and her weight (49lbs).

We are so very grateful for such a good report!

January 17, 2014

Year 5 Photos and Birthday Quiz

I was a lucky girl who won a gift certificate to Adorn Studios here in Austin to have a free photo session and CD of the images! It was a great prize on paper and a priceless blessing in reality! I never spend a ton of money on photos, but I am always so jealous of the beautiful pictures of my friends. Tiffany at Adorn did an amazing job of really capturing Abby- her personality, her many different faces, and her sweetness. I just love these!

Along with her photos, enjoy my interview of her on the night of her birthday. Her 4th birthday interview is here

What is your favorite color? RED (my influence, oops!)

What is your favorite toy? TEDDY BEAR

What is your favorite fruit? APPLE

What is your favorite TV show? TEEN TITANS GO

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? PIZZA (strange, we have this for lunch once every few months!)

What is your favorite outfit? BLACK VELVET DRESS (from Walmart with gold sequin belt, worn once!)

What is your favorite game? GYMNASTICS ON THE WII (Wii fit)

What is your favorite snack? CHEESE AND CRACKERS

What is your favorite animal? OKAPI

What is your favorite song? ROCK THAT BODY (Black Eyed Peas)

What is your favorite book? FROZEN

Who is your best friend? Ka'Lea

What is your favorite thing to do outside? SWING

What is your favorite drink? HORCHATA (she had this once, that night!)

What is your favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS 

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? PLEXI (blanket) AND STUFFED ANIMALS

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? CINNAMON POP TARTS

What do you want to be when you grow up? MAGIC FAIRY THAT MAKES WISHES COME TRUE

Happy Birthday pretty girl! We love you!

January 03, 2014

Waco Zoo with Friends

The morning after Christmas, we drove to Waco with our friends to visit the Waco Zoo. Their girls have never been and we love the zoo! And, since our girls are the best of friends, it just made sense. Kyleigh was with us, which worked out perfectly to have another helper to corral three happy energetic girls!

It was nice to have someone there to snap a family picture for us! The giraffe photobombed us :)

The playground is always a big hit for Marcus, ahem, Abby. 

It was so fun to do the zoo with rookies. We first told the girls we were going to the tigers and Addison who is 4 freaked out. We realized she thought the zoo was like a petting zoo and she was scared to pet the tiger. Hilarious!

I had a new little friend most of the day. This girl is so funny and so much trouble! But, she is so cute and so loving, too.

I love Abby's smile in this picture! We are doing 5 year shots next week and I pray I get a picture like this from her. Her big smile and little chin dimple are too cute!

It was pretty cold for our trip- low 50s most of the time. It felt like winter and looked like fall with all the dying leaves on the ground.

We love visiting the zoo!

Afterward, we all had lunch at Ninfa's and drove home. Kyleigh and Abby fell asleep.... about 10 minutes from home. Isn't that always the case!

January 01, 2014

5th Birthday Fun!

Sunday was Abby's 5th birthday and even though her party isn't until this weekend, we wanted her actual birthday to be lots of fun! 

We woke her up at 7:30 with presents! She finally got the Sofia castle she has been wanting. She opened it and said, "yea! now I can take it off my Christmas list". Funny girl! She also got the Sofia family and her own amulet to wear.

We snapped a few more pictures before going to Dunkin Donuts for pre-church breakfast. We even took some extra munchkins to Abby's Sunday School class.

Nana met us for lunch and gave her another present- a cute little dress for her new doll from Christmas to wear!

We came home and rested and then it was time to pick up Michael and go to Gattitown for pizza and video games. The kids has lots of fun!

We are so very blessed to have this big five year old in our house and couldn't love her more!