
August 31, 2007

August Workout Goal...

With all the craziness of work this month, I did not reach my workout goal. I only worked out 6 times, but I am not going to beat myself up over it. I worked 19 days straight preparing for Mega Camp, a big Keller Williams event. Taking out the week of the event and the major prep week, I did workout a couple of times each week.

September starts tomorrow and I am going to reset my goal of 11 workouts to prove that I can hit it!

Wish me luck!

September Desktop

Enjoy the latest desktop for September.... I hope the month brings you happiness!

August 25, 2007


Today was the big day for the iConnect class to kick off the 2007 football season...with a good ole fashion tailgate.
Schools were represented by Texas Tech, Baylor, UT, aTm, out of state North, and out of State south.
Like any good tailgate, there was BBQ hotdogs, football, and some challenges and award...
The TTU group took the dessert award with Brandi's Ice Cream Brownie dessert. the out of State south grabbed the punt and kick nods with Adam's BOOMING foot...and Chris Ott had the iron arm to give UT the passing award.
Chris E. and Mo in the North out of State showed to have the brains, by winning the trivia award....almost double to everyone else.
Mitch, again brought it home for the double T in the obstacle course, but in the end, the horns took the coveted 'spirited fan' for being the most spirited fans.
There was a kid's pinata, washers, water balloon fights, and in the end, everyone had a blast.
There was one more award that didn't get too much praise....the 'gotcha' award, going to the Texas Tech Red Raiders. with The Gumpls, and the Jenkins going to not one, but TWO houses and decorating houses.
We first got the Trejos with a good ole fashion red and black streamer job. They werent home, because they followed Natalie Gumpl home to figure out what she was doing....
Once they left, the Gumpls regrouped with us, and we grabbed Colby, our UT contribution. we snuck to Rob Hatley, and let go on Lucky, the Baylor Trailer. Of course, were clever. We did it up in Notre Dame, the colors of Mo's team to support.

August 12, 2007

My First 5K in a Long Time!

Marcus and I are training for the CASA 5K in September and did a practice run today at the gym.

My friend Elizabeth and I used to do 5K run/walks once a month back in 2001. It was a nice workout and fun to have bagels, run and be back in bed by 10:00 AM. Elizabeth changed jobs in late 2001 and we slowly stopped seeing each other and the 5Ks stopped soon after.

I have not run another 5K in ages, until today! I did my first treadmill 5K ever and the first 5K in at least 5 years. It was shin pain free which was nice. I'm not thrilled with my time; however, it was on par with my pace in 2001. I am older now and surely not thinner, so I'm not totally disappointed.
I hope to improve my time by 5 minutes on September 9th. Wish me luck!

August 11, 2007

Welcome to the world of Craig's List

I have always been an eBay girl, but this weekend I joined the land of Craig's List! We are planning to do a couple of upgrades for football season.

First, we purchased this ottoman. It replaces our beat up coffee table and gives us extra seating when our bible life group comes over.

We are also LCD high definition TV shopping. Tonight we saw a $9,999 TV at Fry's. Are you kidding me? That was the price of my first car!

The new TV will require a new entertainment center. We are looking at 42 - 50 inches of clear crisp TV viewing and our entertainment center can not hold it. This is the center I am looking at- lots of display shelves! :)
So, I posted both the TV and center on Craig's List and had 10 emails about it in a couple of hours. Tomorrow, someone is coming over to look. It feels weird- like an online garage sale! Let's hope our first post is a success and new pics of an entertainment center and TV post soon!

August 10, 2007

Jewelry, Jewelry, Jewelry

I love jewelry and Friday night I went to a former co-worker's new business- selling jewelry through home parties. Has anyone else heard of Silpada Designs? I had another friend that sold their jewelry and I loved it. I purchased this awesome ring (it is HUGE in person!) and a couple of other pieces.

I agreed to help her get started with a catalog party. If you want to see a catalog, let me know. I'd be happy to help you place an order.

August 09, 2007

Dinner at Dad's House

Thursday night Marcus and I went to dinner at my father's house. Dad and Jacque made my favorite - chicken and spaghetti. We looked at their Alaska vacation pictures, watched a little preseason football and checked out the deer in their front yard.

August 04, 2007

Granny's Old Singer

The thing I remember most about my materntal grandmother is her ivy plants. She had the most beautiful ivys in her house- huge deep green leaves with vines that could wrap around a room.

One of her favorite places to display an ivy was her old Singer sewing machine table. When she passed away, my mother received the old Singer table and she gave it to me years ago.

The old Singer then sat in my garage holding junk until last weekend. I decided it was time to do something about it. So, we removed the old worn out wooden top (that once housed the machine) and threw it out.

I then bought wood the right size to make a table top on the metal Singer base.

Last weekend, I spent lots of time in the garage staining the wood a dark walnut to match my other furniture.

I also cleaned the rusty metal base and painted it black.

Yesterday, Marcus put the final coat of stain sealant on the table and this morning we screwed the top onto the metal base.

Wa-lah! I have another antique from my grandparents. I put the table at the top of the stairs and took Marcus' recommendation to place an old photo on top- it is actually my father's military photo from many years ago.

The phone is 100% vintage courtesy of Pottery Barn, circa 1999.

August 03, 2007

Yea! The Jolly Washer!

Yesterday Anna and I got to take Kyleigh to her first time visit to Fiesta Texas. It was hot, but a whole bunch of fun!
We started off not so well, when we got on what we thought was a very simple roller coaster..the Road runner Express. It wasn't so simple..and Kyleigh some how managed to wrap her entire body around my arm and squeeze her eyes shut. And my mantra of "we're ok...its ok.." yeah...that was just for her...not me..... After that though, it was smooth sailing...we rode the Gully washer...which Kyleigh called the "Jolly Washer"...
we got to also see a Looney Tunes show, get our picture with superheroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, and Robin (Batman doesn't smile much)And of course, a quick ride around the park with Auntie....there's a reason why 5 year olds aren't allowed to drive...they aren't that good... It was a fun day! And I got a Green Lantern Ring!


August 01, 2007

July Fitness Goal Met, On To August

When I decided to do the marathon relay for Katie's baby 3 weeks ago, I joined the gym and set the goal to complete 10 miles of walking, running or biking in the remaining 2 weeks of July!

Last night, I met my goal! I officially ran/walked/biked 12 miles! Most of that was spent on the treadmill where I discovered running feels better on my shins that walking, but walking sure does feel better on the lungs! Biking is fun, until the tension shoots up and then it takes everything I've got to move the pedals. I've also learned that my ipod needs better workout music.

This month, I have a big event and will spend 6 days in a hotel working 16 hours per day. Needless to say, I will not be going to the gym that week! So, my goal is to workout 3 times per week the remaininder of the month. That makes the ticker goal 11 workouts. Wish me luck!