
October 31, 2007

Welcome Back to Texas Leigh!

We skipped the trick or treaters this year to have dinner at El Patio with our old friend Leigh who was in town for one night. She lives just otuside DC with her husband who has a top secret (no, really!) Air Force job. Marcus is sure he has seen the aliens!
It was great to see old friends for dinner and El Patio was much cheaper than all of the candy I normally have to buy tonight!

October 29, 2007

I am officially OLD!

I can not tell you how excited I am to be getting a new dryer. We got ours before we got married and lately it doesn't work well... clothes take 2+ hours to dry and some things are getting small holes and burn spots. After replacing the heating element, it is still no good and a new dryer has been purchased.

At 20 or even 25, the thought of buying a new dryer was horrible. What a waste of money. But, today at age 31 I am proud to own a new Whirlpool 6.5 cu. ft. capacity brand new dryer. I just know I'll enjoy doing laundry now! :)

The snazzy new dryer even has a door that opens down instead of out. It creates a small shelf for folded clothes and will not block the garage door as bad. It is the little things!

October 27, 2007

2007 GHBC Fall Fest

Friday night was Fall Fest at our church. It is always lots of fun to run around with Kyleigh, Cohen and our friends' kids while Marcus wows the crowds with his mad juggling skills.

This year, Coco was a monkey, Kyleigh was a punk rockers and I was Tinkerbell, although you can barely see my cool shirt.

All of the girls attacked "Marcus the Juggler" when he took a break. Here he is with Alexis, Kayla, Brookley and Kyleigh.

Cohen was a brave little monkey and climbed high up the stairs to slide down the big kid slide. Kyleigh kept telling us that Cohen was to small to do the stairs (she remembers me carrying her up those stairs just a few years ago!).

He made it and as soon as he slid down proclaimed, "I made it up the stairs!". Gotta love the determination!

Here is Kyleigh taking her annual picture with Alexis this year....

And, here they are last year.

I Love Michigan

I flew to Michigan on Wednesday for work. It was nice to pull out my winter coat and sweaters for the cool 50 desgree highs Michigan had planned.

This was my first trip ever to the great state of Michigan and I picked the perfect week as the trees were the most beautiful colors I have ever seen.

In preparation for the little free time I had, I researched the area and found that the small town of Frankenmeuth is home to the largest Christmas store in the world. Note to self: extra suitcase will be needed!

Here is the lifesize nativity scene on their property- a mere 5 acres of Christmas goodness!

And here is the inside- note the sign that reads Section 5. I found sections 1-10 and covered a small fraction of the store. They provide maps, have multiple concessions in case you get hungry and a viewing room/theater to learn how Bronner's came to be.

I wish it were December now! I ended up purchasing 4 wooden Santas, my 2007 Christmas snowglobe and a cool green cookie tray for Santa's Christmas eve snack.

Another cool thing I learned about Michigan.... they have Big Boy! Marcus and I laugh about Big Boy because that is Sheldon's favorite place to eat on The Big Bang Theory. I did not even know they existed.

Marcus' souvenier from Michigan- yep, a Big Boy bobble head!

Luckily, I had easy flights too and from on American. However, upon my return to Austin while awaiting my lugage, I saw this.

I love Halloween and am all for decorations, but really is Rest in Peace an appropriate decor for an AIRLINE office? No, I don't want to rest in peace. I want to FLY in peace. People!

October 23, 2007

Creamed in Fantasy Football this week

This message is for all of my Keller Williams friends....

Please send my congratulations to Michael Ballestreri for creaming me in fantasy football this week. I had 11 players in my lineup and he had 6. Yep, you guessed it. He was 5 players short and beat my team. In case you want to know why:

1. I had Matt Schaub (Houston QB) who left early in the game and did not earn me a single point. He ended with negative points!

2. WR Plaxico Burress did not get to the end zone for the first time ALL season. Yep. He was in my lineup.

3. RB Travis Henry left in the third quarter after landing on the ball and brusing his ribs. Travis, you are supposed to catch the ball, not land on it!

4. TE Chris Cooley always comes through with 5+ catches. This week, in my lineup, he caught the ball one time for a mere 1.3 points. Jerk!

5. Finally, I blame the Philadelphia Eagles. They are not in my lineup, but they intentionally kicked the ball away from WR Devin Hester, my run-every-kick-back-for-a-touchdown-point-scoring-machine! I knew Philly was mean!

Good work Michael!


October 22, 2007

A Different Kind of Concert

On Friday night, Marcus and I saw Casting Crowns in concert. They are by far our favorite christian band.

We saw them last year at our church, Great Hills, and this time we were at the Toyota Center in Houston. It was a much bigger crowd and a bigger stage and set.

All in all, an awesome show. Their songs move me to tears and I can feel the Lord in my whole body. They sing about showing faith in real life situations.

Here we are! I happened to already be in Houston for TAFP's Primary Care Summit, so we took advantage of the convenience and booked our concert tix. If I happen to look at little sleepy, this picture was taken well after 10:00 PM and I had been up since 4:30.

If you want to hear a sample on itunes I (this is Anna!) recommend "Prayer for a Friend" and "Now my Lifesong Sings" and Marcus recommends "Praise you in this Storm" and "American Dream".

October 21, 2007

Anna's Favorites

Marcus left out two of my favorite pictures from Big State Festival....

Doesn't he just look like a west Texas redneck in this one? I love the expression on his face. You would swear there was a Skoal can in his back pocket!

And this one. Boy am I grateful to be married and be able to love on my husband in the privacy of our home. This couple could not get enough of each other. They sang each Gary Allan song with all the emotion they could muster while dancing, kissing and rubbing on each other. Yucky!

October 15, 2007

Thats not my car man....

This weekend Anna and I got to go to the concert event for country music....the first annual Big State Festival held out at the World Motor Speedway, just outside College Station...

We got there Saturday afternoon...after a slight delay....we couldn't get to shuttle out there because there had been a fire, and about 20 cars had burned up.....

Robert Earl let us know that evening that when they called out the license plates...that was not his!
(if you get this, you are a REK fan from the old school...if not, let us know, we'll fill you in why 20 cars on fire is funny...)

That night ended with Lynyrd Skynard, another reminder that drugs are bad for you.

The next day was Kevin Fowler, and Gary Allan....two great shows....totally different, but just good.

Kevin raised hell, Gary sang about having been through hell.

We watched some football, ate BBQ, and chilled out at the place, and then watched Willie Nelson....again, drugs are bad, ok?

Finally, the aggie weather casters were right, and the 10% chance for rain occurred.... for the entire Tim concert.....

We made it home around 1:15 in the morn, and even though the College Station Ramada came with nice features like, electricity, running water, was good to be home in our own bed...

I've Been Tagged

My virtual funny friend Erica (she is a friend of my cousin and although we've only met once, we are blog friends) has tagged me. So, I am to share 7 fun/unique things about me and then tag 7 of my blogging friends.... here it goes!

1. I actually asked Marcus out first. He said no!

2. I was a stock show queen my freshman year of high school. Ropers, printed Rocky Mountain pants, tiara, sash and all!

3. If I was not an event planner, I would be an interior designer.

4. I am a bona fide hotel snob. It is part of the job!

5. When I am super stressed out I like to listen to nasty rap music. It distracts me!

6. When Marcus makes me laugh really hard, I sound like Lisa Simpson.

7. I have only beaten Marcus once at putt-putt golf. The scorecard was framed on the wall in our house forever.

Alright girls- you are now tagged!
Caroline, Debra, Stormi, Kristi, Meg, Judy, and Susan

Big Bang Theory- MUST SEE TV!

I hate to see a good TV show go unwatched...

Marcus and I have VERY FEW common TV interests. We have never watched TV together because one of us was always miserable, that is until now. Last season we fell in love with "How I Met Your Mother" and this seasons the show that follows it is hilarious!

Meet Sheldon and Leonard of CBS' "Big Bang Theory." They are two dorky guys (read Marcus) who study physics, play World of Warcraft in online guilds and live a simple stress free life....

...until Penny, the hot chick (read Anna, just kidding!) moves in across the street. Both boys like her and try to impress her in the funniest of ways.

I highly recommend you watch- Mondays on CBS at 7:30 PM.

October 07, 2007

Red River Sweet Tooth?

On Saturday, we watched the Texas / OU game at our favorite place- the big media room at the Utley's house. They are fabulous hosts and everyone in our sunday school class brings the best snacks to enjoy all game long!

I brought a candy corn and peanut mixture that my co-worker Juleah made me try last week. It really is good! When mixed together, candy corn and peanuts takes like a candy bar... maybe the inside of a Snicker's bar? Try ti for yourself and let me know what you think.

Kayla, Emily, and Alexis had little to do with the game once they discovered the closet of princess outfits and bowl full of candy!

October 05, 2007

My First Trip to Round Top... Warrenton, actually!

I took off work today to go shopping with my junior high girlfriend Brandy. All of the cute things in her house that I always comment on have come from Round Top. They have a big antique/junk show twice a year and this time around I joined her.

You top a hill just off 71 in La Grange and there are mile and miles of vendors! We started off in Warrenton and our energy and money ran out before we ever made it to Round Top!

After spending hours walking through the vendors, here are a couple of my favorite finds....

a really cool aqua blue rusted star, that I need to find a home for!

an old yellowed wooden tray with a star burnt in- perfect for the coasters and remotes on the ottoman.

a dark red metal tin, just waiting for me to put a really cool black and white photo in. Hmmm, do I know a good photographer?

Don't worry Erica, the "Come and Take It" flag will find another home in the house.

These really cool pendants were sold at one place and the beads at another. I put them together tonight so Brandy has the necklace she wanted and could not find.

I'm looking forward to April so that we can go back and buy more junk!

October 04, 2007

New 1 Mile Record!

Last night at the gym with my loose shoes on and my heel inserts in place, I ran my fastest 1 mile time ever! Granted, it is NOT fast compared to most people including Marcus, but I beat my best time by 2 minutes.



October 02, 2007

Six going on Sixteen!

Here is 6 year old Kyleigh and her cousin Adyson on Saturday night....

And here is 16 year old Kyleigh and her cousin Adyson on Saturday night.

You too can go back to 1988 for a mere 30 dollars. Just visit your local Libby Lu store!

October 01, 2007

I Love Fall!

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the cooler weather (eventually!), new TV shows, football, the yummy candles and decorations!

Since today is October 1, Marcus allows me to officially pull out the tubs of red, orange and yellow and decorate the living room. Check out my Martha Stewart work of the month- lil' pumpkins in place of candles on the silver candlesticks. She's crafty! I also made the flower arrangement on the left. Again, let the fun begin!

I love our new TV for lots of reasons, the newest is the extra decorating space the long and low entertainment center provides. I could swag it all up!