
November 29, 2007

A Beacon of Hope

Tonight we served as a beacon of hope and opened our home and Directv service to the Time Warner cable refugees who could not get the big NFC Packers v. Cowboys matchup.

It was a great game! Although, we do feel really sorry for Marcus' coworker Marlena who was at the game. She missed a big run play while in line to use the bathroom and then saw her all time favorite player Brett Favre get injured. That never happens- he holds all kinds of records for consecutive play. Poor Marlena!

None of the drama mattered to James. He enjoyed the piano more than the football!

November 28, 2007

The New Christmas Tree

When my friend Stehpanie asked if anyone wanted her old Christmas tree, I jumped at the chance to do an upstairs tree in our loft. It is the only big windows on the front of our house and big windows call for a Christmas tree.

Since my tree downstairs is pretty traditional red and green, I decided to have fun with this one and made it turquoise and white/silver. Thanks to Garden Ridge and Hobby Lobby for having their ornaments half price! I like these colors, it makes me think of cold weather.


November 26, 2007

Playoff Bound Baby!

I love sports, competition and statistics so you can imagine how much I love fantasy football!

This week, I am celebrating my leap from 5th place to 2nd place in our church fantasy football league. I had the second most points this season this week! It has been a great week. To stay in second place I need to beat my Week 13 opponent. Oh, wait, that is my dear sweet husband. What is a girl to do?

Marcus might be eliminated from the playoffs if he does not beat me this week. He is set to win the worst luck award for our league. He has repeatedly picked a player only to see him get hurt.

Heaven help us as we prepare for next Sunday!

- Anna

November 24, 2007

Mistake at the Lake

Since we are just two weeks out from The Rock, I jumped at the chance to meet up with a former KW co-worker at run the Shake a Leg at the Lake 5K this morning.

WRONG! I was so wrong for agreeing to run this race. It is now known as the "Mistake at the Lake", according to Matt and Caroline.

Here is Caroline and I before the race. I can guarantee you if she had not showed up, Marcus and I would have gone back home and right back to bed.

Can you guess why it was so wrong? Look closely, yes it is wet and yes it is cold. It was 40 and raining! The wind chill made is more like 35! And, land near a lake is normally not flat!

It was a small race to begin with and the weather made it a tiny race- maybe 50 people ran the whole thing!

Here is Marcus and I post race. What you can't see if how very wet we are. The first mile had rain coming straight into your face. Marcus and I ran with one eye shut! The entire third mile was up hill- I don't remember mile one being downhill!

Plus, the wetness made my cotton yoga pants so heavy that they stretched out. When I started the race, they were out my ankles and they grew to the point that they covered my shoes and lapped over my toes. I was a vision of "beauty and grace" as Marcus would say.

A big shout out to Caroline for completing her first 5K. She even won second place for her age group!

And, Matt for deciding at the last minute that he'd rather run the race than stand in the cold and wait around. He ran a very respectable time for a last second decision.

They will only get warmer and flatter from here!

November 23, 2007

Let the Holidays Begin!

Today is not a big shopping day for me because it is the first day I am allowed to cover our house in red and green!

Kyleigh spent the night with me last night so that she could be my helper elf and make sure the bottom limbs of the tree were well covered in ornaments.

We covered the house in garland, Santas, jingle bells, snow globes and much much more! All I have left is to put up our new upstairs tree (thanks Stormi!). I bought all new turquoise blue and silver ornaments for the upstairs loft. It is the only set of big windows on the front of my house. Pictures are sure to come!

While Kyleigh and I worked on the inside, Marcus put up our white icicle lights and six little 2-ft. trees on the walkway.

Not pictured is the well-lit reindeer in the front yard. He is getting a deer-mate for next year!

Thanksgiving Times Two

We are so blessed or crazy, depending upon how you look at it that we ate two large Thanksgiving meals on Thursday!

First, we had lunch in Sun City at Midge's house. Midge is Jacque (my Dad's wife's Mom). She is a wonderful cook and always sets the table so pretty.

Check out Marcus and Jacque talking about football, Christmas and shopping madness planned for Friday.

On the other couch, Dad and I were laid out watching those Green Bay Packers (with one of my Fantasy football running backs Ryan Grant) beating the Lions.

My love of football comes from my father!

After lunch and a little football, we drove to Lockhart for Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom, sister and her family.

As all good Aunts should, I taught Kyleigh and Cohen how cool Redi-Whip sprayed straight into your mouth is!

I hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day!

The Leaning Tower of Bleep

Marcus and I went out for Chick-fil-a ice cream on Wednesday night. In the drive thru the young worker hands Marcus his large cone which is leaning slightly to the left and Marcus says, "it is the leaning tower of pi- (pause) - sa. " Then, with the window still down and the young male worker waiting to hand us our drink, Marcus says to me, "I almost said the leaning tower of penis!" Marcus did not know the worker was right there and boy did he get a laugh out of us! I almost died for poor Marcus and gave him grief about it all night long!

November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving...

... here's hoping you save room for dessert!

November 18, 2007

Christmas Tree Cakes Are Back!

When I did the Christmas trivia post a couple of days ago, I really should have thought a little more about what I consider to be the worst part about the holidays. Had I given it more thought, I would have remembered how much I hate the grocery store this time of year.

To avoid the madness, I set my alarm for 6:40 this morning to go grocery shopping before going back to Junior League to shop with my girlfriend Brandy.

The only good thing to come out of the holidays is Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes. I live for these cakes. Two boxes per year. Just 10 little cakes.

Other than that, I have some questions for the grocery store managers and the people who shop there?

1. Where have you been all year? Why is there twice as many people in the grocery store in November and December? Didn't they eat all year round?

2. Why is pumpkin pie filling in the baking aisle for 10 months out of the year and then when I plan to buy it, you move it to another location in the store? All year long, while buying pudding I have seen it on Aisle #8B and now when I go to #8B it is not there. Why?

3. How do you run out of turkey or sweet potatoes? You know we are coming for them. Take a risk, I bet we will buy them!

4. I am going to gain 5 pounds in December. You don't help by creating limited edition flavors that I can only eat during December. i.e. Peppermint ice cream, Gingerbread creamer, Dark Chocolate Mocha Frappucinos. Come on people, I like peppermint just as much in the springtime.

Here's hoping my groceries last until January!


November 17, 2007

Get Your Guns Up!

We had our guns up mighty proud tonight as the red raiders upset the #4 Oklahoma Sooners. To all of you Longhorn fans, you are welcome!

Fun with my K-Dub Friends

Keller Williams is often called KW and in Austin, a W can be pronouced "dub", as in George Dubya Bush. Many people at Keller Williams called it K-Dub. So, this weekend I spent some time with my old K-Dub friends.

Annie celebrated her 30th birthday with a surprise party from her sweet husband Justin. Her was so good, that he cleaned the house and washed the windows and Annie still did not know 20 of her closest friends were going to be in her house! SURPRISE!

I left the party early to go to Junior League's Christmas Affair and work at my K-Dub friend Laura's jewelry booth. Laura hand makes the most beautiful jewelry and had great success among the many jewelry booths at the show. It was fun to spend a couple of hours with Laura, Andrea, Brooke and Roxanne.

Laura also let us sneak away and do a little shopping! Thanks Laura!

November 16, 2007

Wii Had Lots of Fun!

Tonight Marcus and I went to a fall-themed dinner party at Rob and Christi's beautiful home. I swear to you she has over 100 pumpkins and gourds on the front lawn, porch and inside the house. It was a fun-filled festive night. It was a very proper adult party that is until...

Rob pulled out their new Wii. That game will turn a gathering into a mad house in no time.

I went upstairs because I had not seen my husband in an hour and found him playing tennis with the boys.

Then Dance Dance Revolution was brought out and Marcus showed everyone his moves. I thought Marcus could only dance from the waist up- he is a fabulous driver/dancer. I was wrong!

Check him out! Go Marcus!


Just to make sure all of the prayers and well wishes are directed at the right person- Marcus' mother Carol had the stent put in and not Anna's mother TJ. We should be more clear! Although rare, Marcus' does occasionally blog on here too!

A family member on my Dad's side actually called my Mom to make sure she was doing okay post-surgery. Oops!

Carol is doing much better and is back at work, so all is well!


November 15, 2007

Holiday Fun

My good buddy Stormi had the brilliant idea of posting this on her blog. I too received an email with the Christmas version of getting to know your friends. I hope this puts you in the holiday spirit!

o1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I really love Container Store wrapping paper and buy so many rolls that in order to use it up, I avoid bags. However, I also hate buying boxes, so I do gift bag the odd shaped items.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artifical- it is one place where I save money but not buying a new one each year. Plus, the real ones don't come pre-strung with those pesky lights!
3. When do you put up the tree(s)? The weekend after Thanksgiving. Marcus has rules about these things.
4. When do you take the tree down? Right after Christmas. By that point I am normally ready for all the extra space back in my living room.
5. Do you like eggnog? No one should drink anything that thick. Gross!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I remember loving a Fossil watch as a senior- it was one of the first gifts my father picked out. I also recall a rainbow caterpillar with tennis shoes.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, a little one in the dining room and a big one in the living room.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Marcus- he has everything he wants.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Kyleigh- little girls want it all!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I mail a whole heck of a lot of homemade Christmas cards each year.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A Charlotte Hornets sweatshirt- again, senior year from my Dad. Days before opening the gift I commented on how stupid their colors were (turquoise and purple!)
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I don't really watch movies.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When do I stop?
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I can recall.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes and Blue Bell Peppermint Ice Cream
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear only.
17. Favorite Christmas song? What is that Ella Fitzgerald song- Santa Baby?
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel within Austin
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Doubtful
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? I have a Santa on top
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? as early as Marcus will allow
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Trying to schedule around divorced parents
23. Does Santa leave the gifts wrapped or unwrapped? Wrapped, for sure!
24. Do you leave goodies for Santa on Christmas Eve? Not yet. We will with kids for sure!

November 14, 2007

Planet Hiltron

Check out this HILARIOUS website!

They take celebs photos and make them look less appealing- more like us normal folk.

I love this one of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner!

They also have some pretty good ones of Paris Hilton in the 80's. I swear one of them looks like a picture my Mom had taken in the mid-80's when she received a promotion and was featured in a real estate magazine. The rolled and feathered hair is classic!

Ladies of the 80's Sing-A-Long

Sunday night, I joined some of my favorite Keller Williams girls for a Ladies of the 80's Sing-A-Long at the new Alamo Drafthouse downtown.

They played 80's music videos on the movie screen with all of the lyrics (like we needed those!) for the crowd to sing and dance along with!

Artists included: Annie Lennox, Olivia Newton John, Cyndi Lauper, Paula Abdul, Madonna, Taylor Dayne, Whiteney Houston, Tina Turner, Cher, Kim Carnes, and more!

I was born in 1976, so I was young and innocent in the 80s. Now, at age 31 and listening to this music, I learned a few things. In case you also were a mere child in the 80's, let me teach you:

1. Let's get physical is about sex not working out.

2. Manic Monday is about having a hangover from getting physical. It has nothing to do with traffic.

3. When Cyndi Lauper talks about "she bop, he bop, they bop" she is not talking about a dance move, but a very private act done solo. Riding the unicycle as Barney would say.

4. Paula Abdul could not get a date in the 80s when she was young and had to perform with a comic cat.

5. No one, not even Cher, should ever wear a one piece black leather thong. You never know when you will end up in that contraption on a movie screen and subject us all to seeing your stuff.

6. Do not go to the Loveshack unannounced.

7. And finally, today's music just does not compare to the 80's.

November 12, 2007

Seat Guru

I booked my flight today for my January trip toFlorida. I am attending a 4 day conference in Orlando on continuing medical education and spending 3 days in Miami to watch the procedural workshops of NPI, a division of TAFP I will manage beginning in January.

While booking my flight, I googled my type of airplane to confirm the flight from Dallas to Orlando was indeed on a big plane. I have had my share of little planes that make even me feel tall!

My google search landed me on Seat Guru. What a cool site! You can enter your airline and then the type of plane and it will show you the seat diagram along with the best seats. Those with random extra leg room or less noise. Even, some seats with a power outlet!

If you travel much, I recommend you bookmark it and be a seat guru!

November 11, 2007

Tis the Season..

... to make the blog festive!

I love love love Christmas and since Stormi has five of seven Christmas trees already up in her house, I am allowed to make my blog red and green. Marcus disagrees- "it is 80 degrees outside!"

Here are some of my favorite things about Christmas:

1. Food- All of the yummy cookies! Mmm!

2. Football- you get two games in the middle of the week.

3. Presents- I love giving and getting presents. Hello, shopping!

4. Family- I love seeing Kyleigh and Cohen so excited about presents.

5. Faith- It reminds us all that Jesus died for our salvation and rose again.

I hope you are also excited for the upcoming holiday season. It will be here before you know it!

November 10, 2007

Living in a Burnt Orange World

We were blessed to be given tickets to the UT vs. Texas Tech game on Saturday afternoon. It was another Red Raider weekend and the weather was just perfect.

Marcus wore his Wes Welker jersey (a TTU grad, a New England Patriot and a member of BOTH our fantasy football teams) with pride. Tech fans got the reference while Longhorns were confused.

Our seats were awesome- here is a view from Section 104, Row 15. Our seats had arm rests, backs and the sun was behind us. Plus, the Dippin' Dots booth was just outside our ramp out. Perfection!

Although we lost, it was a great game and a fun experience!

Here is the Goin' Band from Raiderland! We missed them last week at the Baylor game and were happy to hear our fight song this week.

November 09, 2007

Home Cookin' Game Night

Tonight was game night and home cookin' potluck at our church classroom. It was lots of fun and the food was good.

We brought one of my very favorites- Chicken & Spaghetti and Sweet Tea. We also had macaroni casserole, chili, taco soup, cobbler, pie and more pie!

Everyone sat around the tables and played Apples to Apples, Cranium and Pictionary. Marcus and I got pretty smoked at Pictionary. Can anyone draw avoid? Seriously!

That Nasty Varmint!

Look closely and you'll see Murray.

Murray is a nasty possum that visits the electrical line outside my office most mornings. He walks the line outside three offices and then goes down the tree and walks back looking for food.

He always visits in the early morning when the sun has not come through this side of the two buildings. When he is walking the line, you can see his long toes curling around the line. Nasty Varmint!

November 08, 2007

Happy Birthday Billye!

Happy 32nd Birthday Billye!
(pictured on the far right in black and white)

Billye is one of my college girlfriends, known collectively as the "Goddess Girls". We get together every year and have a great time.

Billye is also responsible for my involvement in Great Hills and the White Rock Marathon. I'm incredibly grateful for her example as a friend, Christian, and strong woman. I also love the fact that she is almost 6' tall and wears the same size shoe I do. I stood in the shoe size line too long in heaven and missed my turn in the height line.

I hope your birthday was wonderful and did not interfere with huntin' season!

November 07, 2007

West Texas for the week

I am spending a coupld of days this week in Abilene with my mom as she has a has a heart stent put in....everything went well, and she is healing fine. But while I am here...I did learn a couple of new things..
1) West Texas really is different. I know I knew this, but I have been in Austin long enough that the little things still make me the religious message as the Dairy Queen...

2) Starbucks internet policy bites. Come on. $9.99 for a day rate on the internet?! I feel less abused when I buy a soda at the movie theatre.

3) I appreciate the mosey. But driving 10 miles under the limit....on streets with traffic lights that are out of sync.....I may need a stent in my heart by the time I leave.

4) Its 2007. Hip Hop is a genre of music that is mainstream. Quit making Akon and T-Pain share radio time with the Tejano station.

November 05, 2007

Pumpkin Crunch Cake

I love to bake. I do not love to cook.
To keep me (and Marcus) from weighing a ton, I like to bake for others. I typically take my treats to my office, Marcus' office or to church gatherings. Nothing like a big potluck to present your latest new dessert recipe. Throw in a stick of butter and some nuts and it is a sure winner!
I baked this on Sunday afternoon for my team meeting this afternoon. I think fall is a great time for desserts because the weather cools off and the fluffy sweaters come out! One of my favorite fall sweets is from Josette Hatley, our Sunday School teachers wife. She brought this for breakfast one day last year. For breakfast!!
Here is the recipe for you to try at home:
Pumpkin Crunch Cake
Beat together the following:
14 oz. can pumpkin
12 oz. can evaporated milk
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. ground ginger
1/4 t. cloves
1 t. salt
4 eggs
Pour into a greased 9x13 pan.
Spinkle the following (in order) over pumpkin mix:
1 DRY yellow cake mix (do not add anything to the boxed mix)
1 cup chopped pecans
2 sticks of butter, sliced in 1 inch slices
Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
WARNING: Your house will smell divine and sampling will have to occur :)

November 04, 2007

... Makes Me Laugh!

Much like the "Where is Waldo?" game from our childhood, let's play "Where is the Tech fan?"

Emma, Frances and Samuel attacked my poor sweet little husband at the game. Frances, the small one at the bottom, asked me, "Is he YOUR Marcus?" (cute, right!) I told her he was and she said, "I like him." I like him, too.

November 03, 2007


Today we got to drive up to Waco to watch the Red Raiders play the Baylor Bears....
Ah...Floyd Casey Stadium....such a pleasant place to win...the fans are nice, the tailgating is excellent...

and the score is right like we want it ...38-7. We just couldn't pull off the shut out though!

It was a game that was more about the fellowship than the question about who was going to win...once you know what is going to happen there, you can just focus on having a good time.

And we got to see Mike in all his profound glory! Or as we learned today...the T.S.O....the Strange One...

" arm hurts right here...."
"Mike, I've told you several times. I'm the ref. Not your doctor."

November 01, 2007

November Desktop

I love the month of November. It is a time of comfort food, yummy candles, cooler weather, family, fellowship and football. I hope this month brings you warm hearts and homes.