
August 30, 2012

Sea World Fun

Our visit to Sea World last week/weekend, was to use our Sea World season passes. We went 4 times this summer and have plans for the fall and Christmas at Sea World!

Abby was super excited to be here! The first day we did about 4 hours in the morning. The second day, we spent the morning at the pool and did 4 hours in the afternoon. Totally recommend the morning! It was light without lines anywhere, but it was so much hotter in the afternoon.

The first morning, we saw the show Azul. It was wonderful- diving, acrobatics, stunt men flying in the air, beautiful birds and dolphins swimming... very Cirque.

Our focus on day 2 was to finally see Shamu. We had not been in any of our visits. The best show- such a large animal to be flying in the air! The main point of the show was to use the animals to get the first 10 rows WET!

Of course, the highlight for Abby is visiting Sesame Street. She gets so excited whenever a character was found walking around. We brought Rosita and Abby Cadabby with us and she was thrilled to show them her animals. Rosita did a great job sharing her enthusiasm that Abby had a doll of her. Abby Cadabby called in sick while we were there. Sad face.

On day 1, we bought Telly. The second day, we wanted Zoe, but she was sold out in the little size, so we picked The Count. Abby loves to laugh like him- mwah ha ha! With my season pass, all items in the park are 20% off. So, her little animals are a perfect $10 souvenir.

It was so bloody hot on the second day, that Marcus and Abby stood among the masses to be sprayed by the Journey to Atlantis ride. She thought it was hilarious! She was also tall enough (43") to ride Rio Loco. It is the classic rapids ride at every amusement park. We did it twice and got drenched on it, too!

Our Sea World season passes have totally been worth it! We love going- free parking, lunch for under $20, and it can be done in a day trip. We'll enjoy them a few more times before they expire in January. I am told Sea World is open late at night in the winter and the whole park is lit in Christmas cheer. Exciting!

August 28, 2012

Let's go to "Vacation"

In Abby's little world, our favorite San Antonio hotel is called "vacation". She asks to go on vacation at least once a week. We went to Houston earlier this summer and called it a vacation and she was so confused because it wasn't the hotel she loves. Marcus and I said that we need to spend some time in Motel 6 like we did as kids so she knows what a blessing a nice resort is!

The hotel delivered warm chocolate empanadas to our room upon arrival. I had never received these before and oh my heavens, delicious!

We have made the mistake before of filling our trip and not giving ourselves enough hotel time. So, we stayed two nights last week and spend half of each day at Sea World and the other half in the pool.

On the morning of our departure, this little girl was swimming without her inner tube. She was skeptical that she could do it, but with Marcus slowing easing his arm away she did it! Yea for swim lessons teaching her and for Daddy helping her be brave!

They practiced jumping in the water, the excitement of the water slide and Marcus worked out on Saturday morning by throwing 45 pounds in the air over and over!

On Friday morning, we checked Abby into childcare at the hotel since she was begging to play with the doll house. Marcus and I enjoyed an hour reading and relaxing in the hot tub and then had lunch poolside. It was a perfect little alone treat before picking up our happy girl. She played with the doll house for an hour, spent 30 minutes at the resort's bounce house and then had her own lunch.

We plan to go back for her birthday to see Sea World decked out for the holidays and the hotel which creates an ice skating rink and covers the place in poinsettias. 

Lots of fun!

August 25, 2012

Vacation and Birthday

We went to San Antonio for a couple of days this week to make sure we get lots of use from our Sea World passes! On the way back, we drove through Fredericksburg to take my Mom to lunch for her birthday!

We had lunch at Sugar & Smoke which Marcus and I love! So good! Abby loved seeing her Nana!

I'll share lots of Sea World pictures once I conquer the laundry, wet swimsuits, and find the yucky smell in my kitchen! We spent two days there and finally saw the Shamu show. It was amazing and I am so glad I packed my good camera.

We also spent lots of time cooling down at the hotel pool and water slide. This little girl has developed so much this summer as a swimmer. They did the water slide at least 30 times.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Nana! We love you!

August 24, 2012

Don't Get Me!

We are in San Antonio staying at our favorite resort and visiting Sea World.

Morning swimming is cold and Abby was adamant on splashing Marcus. This picture made me laugh!

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August 21, 2012

We Are Going To Kauai Again!

I am so proud of Marcus- he earned a spot in his company President's Club and that gives us a free trip to Kauai to celebrate with his company leadership and the other winners! We took this trip in 2008 and it was amazing to say the least. So very grateful he has a job, does well at it, and is rewarded with a trip like this!

We didn't know much last time and I was 8 months pregnant, so this trip will be different and even better! We want to extend the trip and spend some time on the North Shore of the island, specifically Princeville area. There is a hotel with small kitchens so we can enjoy downtime poolside, eating a few meals in, and then enjoying the island scenery. The company sponsored part of the trip is on the southern tip in Poipu.

Here are the two hotels we will stay at... although, I doubt you can go wrong at such a beautiful place. I want to read lots of books poolside, drink tropical frozen drinks (all free with my wristband of course!), eat fresh fruit all day long, and generally relax!

These are two places we discovered late in the game last time that we will frequent again. The left is the Hyatt hotel's restaurant and we'll have breakfast buffets here each morning. The right is the best snow cone I have ever laid my mouth on. In Hawaii, they are called shave ice and they put the ice on top of a scoop of ice cream, preferably macadamia nut. I am not even kidding- delish! 

When we do feel like leaving the pool, Marcus wants to coast down Waimea Canyon at sunrise again and I will partake in the Anara Spa at the Hyatt. The lava rock shower is an experience! I also had a yummy breakfast here one morning, Aunt Betty's Banana Breakfast Bagel and we've tried to recreate it at home. Fingers crossed it is still on the menu.

 We didn't step foot in the ocean last time. The hotel area wasn't your typical sandy beach and we didn't venture out, but we want to take the little 10 minute hike down to Hideaways Beach this time. And, Marcus always wants a hammock nap with the ocean in the distance.

 So excited to take this trip and celebrate Marcus and his accomplishments! The company part of the trip is amazing- luau, formal awards ceremony, private concert with Kid Rock and REO Speedwagon and more! The meals are amazing, the drinks are unlimited and the weather is perfection!

We will leave in about 7 weeks, so now is the time to save a little money, lose a little weight, and make sure our tropical wardrobe is ready for a week in Hawaii!

August 19, 2012

Makayla's Bucket List

This is Abby's sweet little school friend Makayla. Her family made a bucket list for the summer and all the kids were able to chose things they wanted to do this summer. She wanted to spend a day at the park and splash pad with Abby. Isn't that sweet!

Between busy schedules, moving and her Mom getting sick, we finally had our day at the park on Friday. It was wonderful, they played while Nicci and I caught up. Then, we sat in the shade at the splash pad while they watered our legs with cold water!

August 16, 2012

Our Week

Abby and I have had a fun low key week. On Monday, she had her last Little Gym class. She loved her summer teacher, Ms. Christina. She grew so much in her class- follows directions better, braver on the balance beam, and more interactive in general. We are trying out our local YMCA for gymnastics this fall. It costs a lot less!

Since Mimi lives close now, she joined us for class and dinner afterward. Abby was super excited and almost giddy to have a fan club at class!

On Tuesday, we went to Chick-fil-A early one morning. I wanted to start reading my new book and thought Abby would enjoy playing. She can finally open the playground door by herself which is wonderful. She would play, come out for a bite of biscuit, say "thank you" and run back in. She did that at least 10 times! She had the playground to herself which is just how she likes it. QUIET!

My new book is phenomenal and will no doubt change my life. Click here to learn more about Jen Hatmaker's book 7

On Sunday, we pulled Abby from church a little early to see our friend Blythe baptized. It was so wonderful to see a little friend of ours invite Jesus into her heart and to see Abby so excited for her. It opened up great conversations for us with Abby!

After church, we snuck into the playcourt for Abby to see. On September 1 she will promote into the next class at church and she will be able to spend time in the playcourt on Sunday mornings. Knowing our child, we wanted her to see and feel confident in the new space before 15 kids run in it with her. She loved it!

August 11, 2012

Thursday and Friday

 On Thursday we drove to New Braunfels to visit my Mom who is house sitting for my sister while she is on vacation. We had a lovely lunch together and then went to the San Marcos outlet mall. I grabbed Abby Lu a few back to school items at Gap Outlet and we walked around Pottery Barn outlet. Abby was well behaved so she got to ride in this red sports car.

Like her sunglasses? She is obsessed with wearing sunglasses and now wears an old pair of mine. No kiddie glasses on her!

We spent Friday afternoon at home after gymnastics camp and Abby found a new comfy chair to play her games on! She loves sitting in my office while I work. I love that she has a couple of new educational games she loves.

Friday night, Marcus and Abby had a date and I attended the retirement dinner of my friend Patricia. We worked together in 2006-2007 and stayed friends. Everyone in attendance was people she used to work with. It was fun to celebrate the patience and well deserved retirement of a good friend!

After her party, I met my friend Sarah at Pour House Pub for her going away party. She is selling her house and moving to her hometown to open up a store in the town's square. It will be amazing- all of the products and/or her profits will have the TOMS mentality. What you buy from her will change the world. I am proud to know her and excited to see how God uses her new adventure!

August 09, 2012

New Baby Cousin

Our new baby cousin Harrison was born on Tuesday and we got to visit him on Wednesday morning. Abby kept calling him "Baby Caroline", the last newborn we saw in the hospital.

His Mom Kristi was my closest cousin growing up. She is a busy homeschooling Momma to 4 kids now, so we don't see each other much, but I feel certain when the kids are older, we'll get more playtime of our own!

Harrison is a wonderful family name- it was the middle name of my grandfather. It happens to be a famous actor's name in a movie that her husband loves which doesn't hurt!

Here is Bella, Abby Lu, and Landry with Harrison. Take note that my 3.5 year old is the same size as 7 year  old Landry. Kristi isn't 5 feet tall so I'm guessing Landry is petite. My oh my!

August 07, 2012

Face of Summer

Abby and I met our friends Liesl, Lilia and Andrew at the pool this afternoon! We love meeting friends at the pool and it was fun to see the kids excited to see each other. Andrew is Lilia's older brother and he was so sweet and excited to see Abby. What a good brother!

I brought pixy sticks for the kids to eat poolside. Abby thought it was a little too sour.

Lilia caught on and had fun pouring pink powder into her mouth!

As we were leaving, Abby had on her cover up, smelled of sunscreen, was carrying her intertube and pixy stick and just beaming. A sweet little man sitting in the shade smiled at her and said, "that is the face of summer!". Hooray for the fun summer day!

August 04, 2012

Pixie Party

Abby was so excited to see her friend Kaylinn for her birthday party this weekend! We had lots of fun at Kaylinn's house with pixie land games! Abby and all the kids swam in the backyard, threw wet sponges at Mr. Matt, opened a pinata, and ate cake and ice cream.

When we left the party, Abby declared her favorite color to be chocolate.

August 03, 2012

Anniversary Trip to Fredericksburg

 I have been to Fredericksburg numerous times since I have family in the area, but I've never done the full Fredericksburg experience of visiting the wineries and staying in a bed & breakfast. This year for our anniversary, we decided to be tourists in Fredericksburg!

We celebrated our 13th anniversary with our friends James and Andrea who celebrated 14 years the following day. Andrea and I have been friends for 5 years since we worked together and Marcus and James had met casually at parties for the kids. We now declare them good friends and hope to travel with them again. Two of the funniest people I've ever met!

Here is our B&B, named Maria's. It was built in the mid 1800's and showed it's age! Marcus and I arrived about an hour before they did and had a funny text conversation going with Andrea. The place smelled like my grandmother's house and the doorways were no where near James' height of 6'3". 

But, we loved it! It was quaint, the 18" thick walls kept the place really cool, the bed was comfy and the creaking floors were fun to navigate in the middle of the night. I could have read in the cool morning on the front porch for hours. The place was just what you'd want and expect from an old cottage!

We had loose plans for our trip- shop, tour the wineries, and eat good food. All was accomplished! We didn't do much shopping- a few hours on Wednesday morning. It was enough to make the loop and I found a few treasures I couldn't live without, like my new turquoise dough bowl.

On Tuesday night, we ate at Silver Creek. We wanted a lively atmosphere with Olympic coverage. The food was better that expected- I loved the pepper gravy on my chicken fried steak. Delish!

Wednesday at lunch we discovered Sugar and Smoke and talked about this brisket for the remainder of the trip. I can not recommend this place enough.... we all loved it. We asked for the manager and told her how great it was and even asked them about opening up an Austin location. I love the mix of bar-be-que and sweets. It was modern and had feminine touches. Lunch was served on these small cookie sheets and dessert came on a plate with a pig on it :) There was no traditional potato salad or cole slaw. It was sweet potato fries and homemade jalapeno tortilla chips. I had read the owner was on a TV cooking show and lost the contest because of her cole slaw! ha!

Since lunch was to die for, we came back for breakfast the next day! Brisket jalapeno hollandaise.... brisket and bacon breakfast tacos.... peach scones.... we loved it all!

Most of our time on vacation was spent visiting five different wineries. Both Andrea and Marcus like wine, and since their spouses don't, it made sense to do the tours together. Nobody wants to drink alone! I'll share wineries on Your Little Birdie next week. They were beautiful and we had lots of fun pretending to understand wine-talk.

 We had a lovely time getting away and look forward to going back to Fredericksburg again!