This my friends is genius! Do you like my before and after picture? Yep- all done with Picnik my new favorite site. They have lots of free stuff, but tonight I joined as a premium member (only $24.95 per year) and I played in the touch-up area. I now have on lipstick! ha!

Here is what I did to myself in the picture:
Red Eye
Cross Process
Teeth Whitening
Eye Brightening
Instant Thin
Give me more time and I'll be a supermodel!
I love it!!!!! It is so much easier than photoshop! Thank you!!
Very cool! I'll have to check that out. I love PSE but it can be somewhat complicated for something simple...this might be the solution for those easy photos :o)
No way - that is cool!!!
i LOVE picnik. i didn't join, so i don't have as many fancy options as you, but i'm perfectly fine with my cross processing and vignette tools. great site!
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