We took Abby for her 2nd haircut this weekend. She was getting shaggy and since she likes to pull her bows out at school, we really need to have it trimmed up and her bangs shorter.

She did great during her cut- eating a Dum Dum and watching Yo Gabba Gabba videos on Marcus' phone.

Since she was being good, I asked the hairdresser to do something more time consuming that just a trim, I had her angle Abby's hair. So stinkin cute! It is the perfect little bob in the back and just a tad longer in the front. I love it! We did 2 inches in the back and about 1/2 inch in the front.

It is really getting darker, so I am thankful we didn't lose too much blond. I'm pretty certain her hair will be a light brown in the next few years. It will be just beautiful with her pretty blue eyes.
Can't wait to see her hair in person! She is so cute! She looks like you in the first picture! You must smile at her like that all the time!!!!! Such a doll!
HER HAIR IS SOOOOO CUTE! THAT gives me baby fever for a little girl (haha)!
adorable! how do you get her to still for that? Kiersten needs her first haircut but I am afraid.....
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