Hi friends! I didn't intend to take a blog break- sorry about that. I had issues- pictures on home computer and free time at work, then I took pictures without the memory card, etc. I am back on track now!
Marcus and I both stayed home on Monday and went to the doctor. He has a yucky case of bronchitis and I have just crazy-weather-induced allergies. I relaxed at home on Monday and picked Abby up early from school.
At her 2 year well check we asked if she could be retested for her peanut allergy. Both Marcus and I were certain she would pass now that she was 2. We wanted the results, but I had been carrying the lab slip around for 6 weeks because I didn't want to have to take her in to give blood.

I was worried for nothing! She gave blood without as much as a whimper. She was fascinated watching the "red" and was so excited to get a band-aid afterward. She was very careful with her arm the rest of the night. So cute!
Her results came back today and she still has a peanut allergy. It actually went up. Sheesh- so much for that. We are happy she has no other allergies, tree nuts or otherwise, but hate that it didn't show signs of going away. We'll have her tested again at age 4.
She's so brave!
I am in awe!!!!!
Ah, bummer on the peanut allergy, but hooray that there aren't any others! Small blessings, I know. Kudos to the munchkin for that brave face...I love it!
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