Abby crafts, clothes and her left eye! She doesn't seem to notice she has pink eye until we have to put drops in it! Luckily, we are back at school today.
Tonight, Abby got to open a big bag of love!
And, she loved what was inside!
She got a cat piano that plays all kinds of tunes, records her music, and has a booming microphone. It is perfect for our little performer!
Marcus also found her a Toodee Valentine book from Yo Gabba Gabba. She loved it, too! Notice her 5 YGG finger puppets are on her right hand and carefully placed so as not to fall off. We carry them around a lot!
A big thanks and kisses to our friends and family that sent Valentine's for Abby as well. She loves getting mail!
We've had a lot of fun preparing for Valentine's Day. On Saturday, she went to the local library for story time and they had some extra special things for the kids including this hat project. Marcus and Abby go there every Saturday and I love hearing how she does. More times than not, she is up front dancing and singing.

On Sunday, we had fun at church giving out Valentines to our favorite greeters. She is doing so much better at both school and church drop off. She even saw me at church recently and didn't throw a fit to leave childcare. My heart stopped when she saw me, but she did great!

On Friday, she had a Valentine party at school with special breakfast amongst her pals.

I remember reading a few years back on a blog about someone having Valentine's dinner at home with her husband and child and thinking how unspecial that sounded. I wasn't a Mom. I didn't get it. I couldn't have understood. My Valentine is so much sweeter with this little one in it!

I am so grateful for my family. I love you Marcus and Abby Lu!
What a sweet post! Michael has that piano and all three kids love playing on it!
Ooo, I may have to get a keyboard for Connor too, he loves music!
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