Anytime we get funny pictures of Abby, Marcus and I always laugh that they will be perfect for her wedding slideshow. That slideshow will take hours at this rate! I hope her future husband's Momma is taking funny pictures at this stage, too!
Last night Abby tried on a bunch of Marcus' hats- these are silly hats he uses juggling with the kids at church or from Halloween's past. Abby thought it was so much fun- I have a feeling she will pull these out again!
Abby as Captain Jack Sparrow

Abby in her blond mullet- I swear Marcus has never worn this one!

Her clown wig that started this evening of fun

Abby the Viking- Marcus was a fan when Culpepper was the QB and I bought him this hat for Halloween that year.

Crabby Abby- I purchased this one in Boston visiting my friend Meg and it took on a whole new meaning with Michael Crabtree (Texas Tech football player)

Finally, playing peek-a-boo! We'll pull this one out again on St. Patrick's Day. Um, yea, I think I bought this one, too!

And our recent purchase and favorite- the DJ Lance Rock hat and glasses from Yo Gabba Gabba.

I love that God gave Abby a personality bigger than her body right now! She makes me excited to get her in the morning and with all that spunk and energy, excited to put her to bed!
We are taking the same silly pictures of Michael for Abby!!!!! hehehe
OMG, I was laughing so hard I snorted my water! I love her face in the DJ Lance photo...too cute! Don't let my husband see the viking hat though...he'd go off on a long lecture about "real vikings didn't wear horns blah blah blah" :oD You should totally use those in a header for the blog...line them up a la Clover Lane!
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