November 09, 2009

Abby's Mustache

I have become THAT parent letting Abby Lu try foods that she really shouldn't eat yet. Uh yea, like licking whipped cream off the spatula. I am certain before I was a parent I told myself I would not do that.


Being Billingsley said...

Listen...every baby has to have a little whipped cream off the spatula. It would be un-American to neglect that need.



Lapiz de la Guerra said...

Weren't we all? Cute picture!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

I'm sure abby lu enjoyed you giving in!! Yum!

Tabriah said...

That is the cutest picture!! Yes, well, a little whipped cream never hurt a baby or anyone for that matter. And, just wait until you take her somewhere for a Christmas party and she swipes a cookie off the table and chows it down and you only know she did because there is chocolate covering her face and hands!!! :) I love that picture!


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