We are having a rough week with food. I am sure this is a phase we are going through and I hope it passes quickly.
One week Abby loves something and the next, she won't eat a bite of it and she throws it off the highchair. I think she is teething and her teachers think her drainage is filling her belly.
We tried pancakes this morning for breakfast and she had one bite. I swear she is living off the nutrients from milk right now. She has no problems drinking, thank goodness. I'll be sure to share when this phase ends!
I wish I could get advice on this one, but my girls still have not grown out of this one. Ben just commented that is not the shirt she had on when she came over, guess she like the syrup:)
...We are going through the same thing...We'll keep you posted!
Don't worry yourself over it...it is a phase and she'll pass through it, just like all phases in life. Our pedi told us that when toddlers reach this stage, it's ok healthwise and perfectly normal when we went through it. My advice to you is that the more worrying you do, the worse it'll seem. (I know, easier said than done!) Just keep at it mama!
I have to cut down on the amount of milk and juice that Kiersten drinks or she won't eat anything, unless of course it is ice cream or cake!! They're so funny. I heard somewhere that you should give them two choices, that way the feel like they have some sort of control over it. Good luck and if you find the magic cure, make sure to share!!
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