Saturday night Marcus and I watched our friend Mackenzie while her parents enjoyed a night out. It was a good test of how a second child would work. Mack is 4 1/2 and did WONDERFUL! Her and Abby cooked an extravagent meal of cheese and ice cream in the kitchen before Abby retired to bed.
Then, she wanted to play the "game with the people". She wanted Wii bowling. :) Marcus is so patient and wonderful with this age. He showed her how to hold her controller, when to push the button and when to let go, and how to keep her hand straight.
He did such a good job, the student beat the teacher. He claims to have "thrown" the game, but she had 2 strikes so I don't think he was bad as much as she was really good.
After Wii bowling, I baked cookies with Mack. It was always my favorite activity with Kyleigh and I just know Abby and I will enjoy it in a few years. We started with big sprinkles and then added smaller pourable colored sugar and then sprakle icing came after baking.
haha... two kids isn't that hard. hahahahahaha..... !
um, tat kind of thinking is how I got myself where i am today...about a half a step away from crazy...
Thanks again!
LOL...I know so many parents who tell me that having two is no different than having one. I dunno...I'm not there yet! Those cookies sure look yummy and I hear ya--I can't wait until Billa is old enough to really bake with me too!
Call me crazy but I am one of those parents who thinks that having 2 (or 4 with one on the way in our case) is much easier than just one. My big kids are so helpful with the little ones and they entertain each other.
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