I feel like we've had an explosion of development in the last few months. I hope I can capture it all here! Abby cracks us up- she is just plain funny. She loves to make us laugh and then claps for herself! She seeks out your attention and adoration. We love to give it to her! Her new sound is to imitate Jabba the Hut. Daddy worked on that one! It sounds a lot like Santa's belly laugh to non-Star Wars peeps. She can do "the wheels on the bus" and patty cake on comand! And, when this little piggy goes to market, the giggles ensue.
Pardon the "mess" that she is in these pictures. I cut her bangs and they REALLY shrunk when they dried. She refuses a bow most days so they just look really short! And, she enjoyed playing with her markers during art a little too much. She has blue marker on her eye, ear, neck, cheek and hands!
Let's talk about words and signs. Verbally, Abby seems to imitate every sound we make. She may not have the letters down, but she adjusts the tone and pitch really well. Words she can say (that we understand) include: hi, no, momma, daddy, nana, banana, cracker, more, milk, ball, baby, thank you, please, daisy (like upsy daisy when I pick her up) and bye bye. She can sign: eat, drink, water, milk, ball, yes, no, please, thank you, book, hat, and cracker. She is signing cracker below.
She is also learning body parts and can ID her: head, nose, ears, tongue, teeth and belly. She is very routine- plays with the same toys in her room and bathtub in the same order each time. She goes through her full routine each time.
She is still sleeping like a champion- 11.5 hours per night. She goes to bed at 7 PM and gets up between 6:30 and 7 AM. She takes a short nap (60-75 minutes) at school and often plays in the baby room while the other kids continue napping!
We are so close to walking, but just aren't there yet. In the past few days, she has stood on her own and will "fall" into our arms. That is huge progress from just collapsing on her jelly legs. While waiting on the pediatrician, we walked around the lobby in her squeakies shoes and she had a blast!
Eating varies from day to day. But generally, Abby is a good eater. She is a healthy weight, so we aren't concerned. Here are some of her favorites: carrots, corn, nilla wafers, cheese, yogurt, mandarin oranges, and Ritz crackers. Abby has 16 teeth and can do really well with crunchy foods!
What a fun age! I'm sure once she gets distracted while she is standing, she'll start walking on her own. All in a due time. :) She is precious! Happy 15 Months!
There is nothing wrong with a little marker on the face and neck. No need to apologize... unless you are 33 and still rockin' marker face.
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