I love Spring time! The colors, the clothes, the accessories are fun and now that Abby is not a newborn, she can partake!
Marcus and I were recently discussing Abby needed a sunhat for the summer.We both went to Gymboree on the same day and bought her hats- ha! We ended up keeping this one (his) since mine was the same size, but too small. The 4T/5T hat he picked out ended up fitting! Thank goodness- I was scared to know what size comes next!

The glasses were a gift to me before she was born and I think she finally gets it. Last time we wore them to the park and she wore them the entire time. She'll wear them in the car on ocassion as well.
And, Abby got her first pair of capri pants for Spring. I bought these at Kohls on clearance last year. I would wear capri pants all the time if I could. Abby loved hers too!
Flip flops are next, but those'll have to wait until next year. I can't have her learning to walk in flip flops!
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