We left the house early to grab breakfast tacos and then drive to Centerpoint, Texas, for my family reunion. When we pulled out of the breakfast stop, we heard the most awful sound coming from my car and noticed the people near us walking our way. What in the world?
So, we turned around, went home, unpacked and repacked the truck and left 45 minutes late. I'm sure we'll arrive in time for lunch, right? Our luck, we'll walk in the front door during the lunch blessing. Yep, we sure did!
This where the day gets good. My family reunion is an annual staple. It is my father's mother's siblings and all of their children that attend. There was well over 100 people there. My grandmother alone had 8 children.
We bar-b-que, hold an auction (read garage sale), visit, play games, reminisce, etc. In many ways, it is like something out of a Jeff Foxworthy comedy skit. Good hard-working people, good food, and lots of trucks!
You always get a helping of the pasta salad, jello salad, potato salad and then the desserts! Oh, the desserts! Midge learned about Mary's Seminary Pudding. It is always gone first! She was able to get the serving spoon portion before the dishes were washed!
After lunch, my cousin Kristi, Susan and I jumped in Kristi's car to go to Camp Verde General Store. It was the neatest little oasis in the middle of ranch land. I found a new favorite and cheap place to buy crosses!
Some of my family that I had not seen in 14 years came in from Louisiana. They had all rented a house in Bandera, so once the reunion was over, we went out to their house. And, like true rednecks, a front yard washer tournament ensued!
This is where the day gets really bad! First off, we lost track of time and forgot to call our friends Bill and Kay and let them know we could not make her birthday party. It wasn't until they called us with a group waiting to check if we were close. We are so sorry and hope to see you soon for dinner. Please forgive us!
After visiting for much longer than intended, we headed out. I had a migraine coming on, we were both sunburned and tired. It was after 9:00 and we had a 2 1/2 hour drive ahead of us. We drove into Bandera and grabbed Sonic. I wanted a cold sweet tea and needed to eat- it had been way too long. We left Sonic and went to a gas station for Tylenol for my head. They had none, so off to Super S Foods we went. Once I got the Tylenol, I discovered Sonic had given me cold sweet tea from DAYS AGO. It tasted awful. We went back to Sonic and I exchanged it for another drink. Okay, off we go.
I took my 2 Tylenol and obviously hadn't eaten enough because I felt ill very quickly. Luckily my Sonic bag with my chicken was nearby because I threw up in it 3 times! Poor Marcus pulled over and wiped my face for me. I felt pitiful. I have a migraine, I am sunburned, tired and now I am throwing up. Please God, let this get better.
I sipped water and we proceeded on. I felt sick again and grabbed the Sonic bag which had now begun to leak on my pants.... notice my pants from the day, yep, they were white! We made the decision to stop and San Antonio and get a hotel room. This was never part of the plan, so we had no clothes, toiletries, nothing. Yes, I have thrown up and have no toothbrush! I was dying. I wanted to not be in a moving car, to take off my pants with puke stains and to sleep off my headache. I also wanted a toilet nearby in case this got worse.
We pulled into San Antonio and the first two hotels were sold out. Really, Comfort Inn is a big hit on 1604? Our third option, Residence Inn, had a clean room for us. Marcus got me a bottled water and some PB & crackers and I was able to keep them down before dozing off to sleep.
I have thrown up 4 times in my life (Marcus has cared for me on 3 of those occasions) and am so grateful that my pregnancy has not been filled with that kind of morning sickness. It is the most helpless feeling in the world. I am happy we are home now, my white pants and in the washing machines and my husband is the dear sweet man he is.
I am so sorry you got sick! It was a fun day though!
What a day ... I am glad you are feeling better and had such a sweet husband with you : )
Ahhh Anna, What a crazy day!! I sure am glad we got to hang out though ... it was fun! Hope you are feeling better!!
oh how fun the day was !! and winning at washers was cool !!! sorry about not feeling good <>
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