Seriously..It was a short while back that I locked my keys in the car. While running. For about two hours.
I'm also the guy that repeatedly sets the cup of coffee or coke on the back tailgate, forgets it, and takes off. About 2 minutes into the drive I hear the THUMP and look around in befuddlement. "Oh look, there's an Einstein Bros. coffee mug in the street that is just like mine.......wait.....Where is my.....OH MAN...."
And of course, I forget to even get the packages out of the backseat. Nothing like waking up the next morning going...."ooh..the left over chicken chow mein....that would be in the car still...."
I guess I have on the plus side that I still know all the words to the Spongebob themesong, all the Xmen characters, and all the videogames that are cool.

Girls are into that stuff right?
hey guys .... we're now able to keep up with ya'll !
heck yes, girls are totally into spongebob, xmen and video games. our friend's daughter just got potty trained and insisted on diego and cars panties. and here i am, a mommy myself and i am missing my final fantasy fix...congrats on the baby girl!
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