I would like my employer to offer me the hours of a snow cone vendor. Seriously, how do they make any money? Joe Mama snow cones which I loved and were near my office, are closed because summer is over. Hot weather is not over. My craving is not over.
The Leander vendor we found is closed on weekends and although says they are open until 8 PM, randomly leave when they decide they are done for the day.
Bahama Bucks, the Lubbock vendor, is looking for land in NW Austin. Yes, I called the corporate office. If they'll just keep regular hours year round, they'll make good money.
So, I need to convince Marcus to buy us a snow cone machine. I recognize they will not be as good- the ice will likely be crunchy, but I'll take it. My other options are 7-11 and Sonic and they just don't do the trick.
Marcus has already searched out a snow cone vendor in Hawaii. We will rent a car and drive there, but I hear the rainbow poured over macadamia nut ice cream is the best. That will officially be the most expensive snow cone ever.
Flight to Hawaii: $3000
Rental Car w/gas: $100
Making your Pregnant wife happy with a snow cone: Priceless
I figure it's the same as swimming pool operations. Once the kids go back to school, there is no one to operate it. That could be the reason why they are closing so early.
I would go back to Hawaii for a smoothie!! On the island of Kauai, there is an AMAZING smoothie place! Bryan would not need much of an excuse to go back to Hawaii!!
I think every woman craves something icy and cold while pregnant! My biggest weakness was Coke flavored Slurpees and Sour Skittles. I should have bought stock in 7-11 I was in there so often :) Instead of a snow cone machine, get one of those counter top ice cream makers, where you freeze the core in the freezer...I hear they make excellent granitas and sorbets which require very fine ice granules! Of course, after you're done being pregnant, you can make tasty ice creams and other stuff too! Google Alton Brown ice cream to find some of his recipes!
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