We are temporarily ruling out reflux because she doesn't ever spit up and colic because it happens all day long and not during the typical colic hours. Since she only gained 3 ounces in the past 8 days, Dr. Sperling thinks she may be hungry. Since there is not a measuring cup on what I am putting out, we decided to try supplementing every other daytime feeding with a bottle. It can be pumped milk or formula.
I left the office with some formula samples and tried a bottle as soon as I got home. Girlfriend gulped down 4 ounces without stopping to breathe! Since that bottle, over an hour ago, she has not cried at all. I hope we are onto something!
Since she seems to be content at night (possibly because she is such a good sleeper, she may not even know she is hungry), I will continue to feed at night and try pumping one side while feeding at 2 and 6 AM. Hopfeully that will yield enough to let me know how much she is getting and also provide nourishment for the daytime supplements.
It is a relief to know she is healthy and to see her happy this afternoon. Not knowing why she is crying is the hardest part of being a parent thus far. I had tried everything I could think of and couldn't even lower the pitch of the screaming. When does she learn to talk again?
I hope you have it figured out... but just incase let me say that my little guys started his screaming and wasn't spitting up (at first)... they said colic but then later we could hear the reflux but it wasn't coming out, and then finally we had projectile!!! When he had the test done he threw up the whole bottle of barium all over him self and was diagnosed with moderate to severe reflux... any way some times babies and adults can be what they called silent refluxers... I am one such case ... any way just wanted to let you know incase you cont. to have problems! Keep us posted!
Oh Anna, I know how you feel! Hearing your baby cry breaks your heart into a million little pieces and is enough to make you cry yourself! Billa had reflux and we had to do baby prilosec the first few weeks because she took so long to regain her birth weight (almost 4 weeks). Billa was such a big baby when she was born and it alsways seemed like there wasn't enough milk in the world to satisfy her! She would have to eat every two hours, sometimes once an hour! That got really hard on me, so I pumped as often as I could to make bottles so that Michael could do some feeding too and I could get some rest. I pumped until she was almost 8 months old and then decided I'd had enough of being a milkcow :o) If you have trouble with creating enough supply, check with La Leche League or a lactation consultant on increasing flow. There's also a great site if you haven't found it already, www.kellymom.com--it's all about breastfeeding and VERY informative. Good luck and we're glad to see that everything's ok with Abby Lu!
I am so glad that she is healthy! Maybe the only thing she needed more was substance and sometimes breast milk can be too watery for some babies.
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