Oh what an educational Sunday we had... we volunteered in Abby's class at church and learned that sombody likes having her Daddy all to herself!
We thought it would be a low stress Sunday since we didn't have to leave Abby, but it turned out to be tough. She threw a full on face on the floor temper tantrum when Marcus held other children. The big problem- another little girl was very upset to be left by her parents and only wanted Marcus. Marcus tried holding them both, but that also didn't work. It was an embarrassing mess! Just in case you are wondering, she had no problem with me playing, holding, hugging, and loving on the other kids.
we could never volunteer in our own childrens classes for those same reasons! I too was very embarrassed!
I am sorry. I can't stop laughing!!! Oh my, I do love that age...
the little girl loves her daddy....can't help but love that! this "little" girl STILL loves her daddy and would rather him hold me than ANYONE else :-)
DADDY'S GIRL!!! hahah that is so funny!!
ps-i also LOVE the bw pic! too cute!
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