We have a long skinny totally bricked in front porch. It is one of the few things I don't like about our house. How do you make this type of porch welcoming? I can't hang anything since it is a brick exterior. It is so narrow, that you can't do a table and chairs. Oh how I would love 2 big deep rocking chairs! No sunlight, so plants don't do well. Plus, the door is not centered, so plants on each side cut off the main walkway. I might be tempted, but Marcus will err on the side of practical everytime.
I've been looking for a bench to place on the porch. A place to sit your items on the way in and out, for the UPS man to leave cardboard treasures and something welcoming! I think I found it in this Garden Ridge bench that is actually a glider.
I was oh so tempted to buy it in red, but thought that wouldn't look so good with the brick. I'm liking the black! I also planted some fake white flowers in a galvanized tub and placed them on a plant stand. I'm hoping to find some sort of a welcoming sign to hang on the wall with the special hangers for brick and mortar. In the meantime, Abby has a new place to sit in the morning while we wait on Daddy to load up his laptop bag, gym bag and Abby's bag. Luckily that extra time allowed us to brush our teeth thoroughly :)

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