This morning we celebrated Mother's Day by dedicating Abigayle at our church. The dedication service is not a baptism for that comes when she is older and can make her decision, but rather a vow to raise her in such a way that leads her to that decision.
Here we are before the ceremony. Yes, we planned the purple scheme. I know you would expect nothing less from me!
Joining us this morning, were two of Abby's grandparents- her Grammy (Marcus' Mom) and Nana (my Mom). They celebrated and cried with us this glorious Mother's Day morning.
Sweet sweet girl did a wonderful job of being still and quiet at the front of the congregation, but decided to "talk" to God loud and proud during the prayer afterward. We cherish her healthy lungs. :)
We entered as our names were called and received a prayer from Kyle Miller, on the pastoral staff. 

After each family entered and received God's blessings from Kyle, we repeated our covenant and prayed together.
The couple on my left are good friends of ours. Ryan and Marcus share many an experience and trial in becoming fathers and Amanda and I did a bible study together for believer's questioning God's word. His faithfulness was shown today as we have experienced heartache together, learned to wait patiently on the Lord, and today celebrated our children together.
God's Special Gift
I'll lend you for a little time, a child of mine, God said, I could have given you many gifts, but I chose this child instead.
This baby is a special gift, sent from Heaven above and will thrive at best in an atmosphere of patience and of love.
This little life is pliable like a piece of living clay to be formed and gently molded without ceasing day by day.
So that I see when years are gone and the time of molding is done, I will be pleased with this, your task, and this child I look upon.
I am so sorry we had to miss it! We love you and are so thankful for Abby Lu. I pray she blesses you all the days of her life!
BTW You look so happy, so beautiful!
What a blessing it was to see you proudly walk across the stage holding your baby girl!!! God is amazing!
It brought tears to my eyes again to read this posting. I am so glad I could be there. Thank you for a wonderful weekend.
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