Thank you sweet girl for making me one happy Momma!
We had a wonderful day thanks to my dear husband who showered me with flowers, gifts, a clean car inside and out, my favorite foods and the pleasure of a long nap!
I also received a wonderful unexpected present from Abby- she has learned how to "love". When we ask her to show love, she will lean her head into your neck, squeeze you and say "awe". It was the PERFECT gift!

We took family photos at church this morning, so Abby was decked out! We also learned that this is not a crawling dress. Between the tulle and the silk, she couldn't move. So, she walked most of the day! Very exciting- it was her bravest moves yet!

Last Mother's Day we dedicated Abby at church and this year we were overjoyed to see our good friends Mo and Jessica dedicate Ellie. This is Jessica's first Mother's Day to have a baby in HER ARMS and it is long overdue in our eyes, but divine timing in His. We are so blessed to know them and see Him working through them.

Last Mother's Day we dedicated Abby at church and this year we were overjoyed to see our good friends Mo and Jessica dedicate Ellie. This is Jessica's first Mother's Day to have a baby in HER ARMS and it is long overdue in our eyes, but divine timing in His. We are so blessed to know them and see Him working through them.
I also said a special prayer today for the many women suffering through the day as I did for 4 long years. We skipped church in past years because I just couldn't face the day. Know that you are not alone and the Lord has not forgotten you.
That little girl looks gorgeous in her fancy dress! You guys are a beautiful family!
Happy Mommy's Day
happy mommy's day to you!!! such a beautiful girl in her pink dress and bow!! :)
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