Yesterday was a bad bad day. Let me tell you how it went.
6:20 AM- Alarm goes off. Anna thinks, why am I getting up this early? I normally get up after 7:00. Oh yea, I have to take my gestational diabetes test this morning. Great, I am hungry already.
7:50 AM- Arrive at CPL for test.
8:00 AM- Give clerk my lab slip, called to the room, give blood and see the dreaded 8 oz. orange soda. Really, this drink again. Great, now I know what it tastes like. Fun. Clerk- "you need to drink this within 5 minutes and I'll call you back at 9:05 to give blood." 5 minutes, I couldn't drink 8 ounces of the best sweet tea (McAllister's Deli) in five minutes!
8:03 AM- I have chugged 6 ounces and begin to feel ill. Thinking oh God, please don't let me throw up. I am in the CPL lobby with 2 other pregnant women who seem to be doing fine. My stomach is gurgling, Abby is kicking and I am burping. I walk over to the other side of the room and get the trashcan for good measure.
8:05 AM- I am telling myself, drink up. You must do this or the other 6 ounces are a waste. I chug the final two ounces and immediately hate myself. I am certain puking is next in my to do list.
8:10 AM- My body realizes just how much sugar I have consumed and the freak out begins. I am sweating, panting, and my head suddenly feels too heavy for my neck to hold up. I am shaking and I can't seem to concentrate.
8:15 AM- I slowly walk up to the clerk again and lean on her counter. Through my heavy breathing I ask her if there is a bed where I can lie down. After a few minutes, she shows me to a bed. It was like being in the nurses office in junior high school.
8:25 AM- I ask to speak to Diana who first took my blood. I tell her what I am feeling and she recommend I relax and lie down. Relax, why didn't I think of that! I lie down and taste sugary orange soda, okay, lying down is not good. Diana reminds me that if I puke, I will have to reschedule the drink for another day. Uh yea, you'll have to drive me and hold me down to get me to drink this again! Crazy lady!
8:27 AM- I call Marcus. Please come sit with me. I am afraid I will pass out in this dark little room and they won't ever come check on me.
8:45 AM- My knight in shining armor arrives with a pillow and blanket because I am now freezing and have the shakes. Note to self, stop by Hallmark. Marcus deserves a card.
9:05 AM- Time to draw my blood. Do I have to get out of the covers for this? Darn. Why is it so cold in here? The 8:05 test was on my left arm, so 9:05 is for the right arm. Great, they never find a right arm vein. Okay, that wasn't so bad. Now, I have matching cotton balls for each arm. Wait, where will they get blood at 10:05? Oh well, must sleep.
9:55 AM- Woah, have I been asleep all this time? Wow. Ow, my right hip hurts. Did they take blood from there? No? Okay, this bed really needs some cushions.
10:05 AM- Time to give blood again. Okay, you want the left arm, here you are.
10:06 AM- I really need to go to the bathroom. Woah, my eye makeup looks awful. Thanks Marcus. Yea, my stomach is really unhappy with me.
10:07 AM- Back to bed.
11:00 AM- My arm hurts. Great, my arm is bleeding. Guess giving blood and then sleeping with your arm under your pillow isn't so smart. Clotting didn't occur. Oh, a nice bruise is coming. Pretty. One more test to go and then I can really sleep in my bed. Oh yea, and I am hungry. Marcus leaves to get us food and meet me at the house. Eat then sleep. Okay, I can do this.
11:05 AM- Take my right arm and have your way with it. I just want to leave.
I went home, ate my lunch and went to sleep for another 3 plus hours. Then, I just sat on the couch the rest of the day wondering what happened to me? I did a little GD research. I am pretty sure they are going to confirm my positive diagnosis this afternoon. My reaction doesn't appear to be normal.